Youth Initiatives Programs

Youth are the core foundations in societies and nations at large. Youth play critical roles in building the growth and developments of communities, while youths provide multiple contributions to societies there are still huge challenges faced by youth across the country. In 2016 KEMWA assimilated an “implementing partnership” program that gave birth to TUJENGE MOMBASA YETU YOUTH GROUP.

Tujenge Mombasa yetu youth group have formulated various projects exclusive for the advantage of youths across Mombasa county and the coastal region at large. There are many services and initiatives that have been undertaken including:

Our Services and initiatives

Youth contribution

Tujenge Mombasa yetu youth group main aim has been to primarily provide youths opportunities to contribute. We have engaged in active collaborations with various other youth groups’ networks in Mombasa, in such, allowing and offering input in inclusive decision-making, problem-solving and action-taking activities that affect and impact Mombasa county youths at large.

Leadership Development

KEMWA primary objective on Tujenge Mombasa yetu youth group program was to increase the involvement of youth in the society. And for that, Tujenge Mombasa yetu youth group has increasingly presented opportunities for youths for personal self-growth, skill enhancement and leadership development.

Local and International partnerships.

KEMWA through Tujenge Mombasa yetu youth program has able to develop partnerships with local and international organizations in formulating matters affecting the youths in society. A partnership between KEMWA and CADKE has effectively put to grounds on issues of drugs menace that harshly affects the youth in coast region.

Linking youth in planning policies

Youths are the bounding bricks of nations: Tujenge Mombasa yetu youths groups bounds effectively in linking youths in planning policies that’s affects them. Youths provide inputs on determining the existing policies as well as evaluating potential policy alternatives.

Mentorship programs

Tujenge Mombasa yetu youths groups also have many formulated initiatives that allows youths to develop their interests. Through various mentorships programs, youths are provided trainings and educational forums that allow them to extensively increase exposure to voice out matters affecting them.